Egyptian Environmentalist to Jusoor Post: Renewable energy is the key solution to save Earth

Egyptian Environmentalist to Jusoor Post: Renewable energy is the key solution to save Earth
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Animals and humans migrate in search of a better environment and the availability of food. The recent climate change is hitting the Earth and leading to many imbalances. Jusoor Post interviewed Dr. Amin El-Meligi, Professor of Physical Chemistry at the National Research Center in Egypt, to talk about the impact of climate change on migration. 


1- Climate change is reshaping the world at all levels due to the development of human civilization. What are human practices that negatively affect the earth?

Throughout history, different climatic changes took place. Each age was named after the climate that prevailed at that time, such as the Ice Age, that is, when the climate was very cold, and other eras that were also attributed to the prevailing industries, such as the Stone Age, the Iron Age, and other ages. Then came the era of the Industrial Revolution, which resulted in the technological development we are witnessing today in many fields. 


These changes had an obvious impact on humans and animals. Humans migrated from one place to another in search of a better life, which is a normal human practice throughout the ages. Allah Almighty says in the Quran: {He is the One Who smoothed out the earth for you, so move about in its regions and eat from His provisions. And to Him is the resurrection of all} [Al-Mulk:15]. 


Moreover, animals adapted to climate change or moved to another place. It has been proven that after the extinction of dense forests about 350 million years ago, reptiles evolved, and fish and birds moved from one place to another because of climate change.


Humans have practiced some activities that have had a negative impact on the earth and its climate, for example, cutting down trees in large areas, which led to desertification. Moreover, the agricultural area decreased and, consequently, food was reduced, thus affecting humans and animals.


The increase in emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide caused the rise in the earth's temperature, followed by drought that affected crops and plants. 


Throwing millions of tons of organic petroleum and plastic waste into the water led to an increase in environmental pollution in seas, oceans and rivers. Marine animals were affected, as well as humans. Some diseases spread as a result of this pollution. The decomposition of organic matter in the water polluted water and marine animals, and therefore people are affected when they eat fish and other marine animals.


It is estimated that every year we add 25 million tons of plastic to the ocean, and as of 2022, every square mile of ocean contains over 45,000 pieces of plastic. Scientists estimate that by 2050 there will be 937 million tons of plastic in the ocean – that’s more plastic than fish.


2- What are the earth's reactions to these practices?

These practices negatively affect the earth, for example, desertification increases due to drought and cutting of trees to build houses. This leads to human and animal migration to places where they can find a suitable environment for living. The increase in the earth's temperature negatively affects the life of humans as well as animals. Temperature increase leads to melting the ice in huge quantities annually, and this in turn threatens islands and coastal cities. Increase in temperature must be controlled, and this is why the United Nations has been cooperating with governments all over the world to control temperature increase through holding annual climate summits.


3- One of the results of these practices is the migration of humans and animals in search for a better environment. What is the scientific explanation for this migration?

Migration, as I mentioned, is a human habit throughout history. If, for example, production decreases and the means of livelihood decreases, humans look for another place in which they can find the basics of life. Likewise, animals move from one place to another where they can find water and food. It is natural that animals are affected by climatic changes and negative changes to the earth. 


4- How do governments deal with that migration?

If migration is from one place to another in search of means of livelihood, this always happens in many countries of the world, but the increase in the number of immigrants negatively affects the mother country. Therefore, countries seek to increase development, which in turn leads to an improvement in the standard of living. For example, the African continent is witnessing waves of migration to Europe and America. Consequently, some African countries cooperate in this framework to increase development to control and reduce the migration process, because migration negatively affects countries, especially if the immigrants are scientists and innovative minds.


5- What is the expected future for the earth by the end of this century?

There are many theories that predict the future of the earth by the end of the 21st century, some of which have a positive outlook, especially in the technological aspect, where it is expected that the technological field will witness tremendous progress, which will positively affect the earth by controlling many negative activities, environmentally speaking. On the other side, if the rise in the earth’s temperature and other climatic changes continue at the same pace, the earth is predicted to turn into something like a burnt toast by the end of the century. However, there are positive international steps to control the temperature of the earth, which gives hope that the earth will be safe and protected.


6- What are the proposed solutions to save the environment, at both the individual and governmental levels?

To save the earth from this environmental change, focused efforts are required from the society, and I mean here every individual in the society. Every individual must think a thousand times before throwing wastes into the streets, gardens, seas, oceans, or rivers, whether these wastes are chemicals, plastic containers or papers, they will pollute the environment. Millions of tons of plastic are thrown annually into the water. Plastic is made from organic materials that will degrade into environmental pollutants and toxic materials that can harm animals and humans. Individuals should switch to the use of renewable energy whenever possible in order to reduce emissions resulting from the combustion of fossil fuels such as petroleum, natural gas and coal.


A responsibility falls on the shoulders of governments to save the earth by developing strategic solutions that can positively affect the change of the earth’s climate. For example, the transition to the use of renewable energy at the industrial level requires great capabilities that are provided only by governments, which should abide by the international decisions and resolutions issued by the climate summits held annually under the auspices of the United Nations. Governments should work on reducing emissions of greenhouse gases that lead to global warming through adhering to international standards in major industries that lead to environmental pollution, for example, various refrigeration industries that result in the emission of Freon gas, or what is chemically called Chloroflorocarbon (CFC). 


This gas leads to the erosion of the ozone layer that protects the earth from ultraviolet rays, which affect humans directly and cause skin cancer. The Egyptian government has made significant strides in the field of using renewable energy locally and internationally, such as solar energy, as well as the production of green hydrogen, to produce renewable energy. This is why the United Nations entrusted Egypt with convening the COP27 climate summit in November 2022, reflecting international confidence in the Egyptian steps towards preserving the Earth and adopting different methods to control climate change.

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