rescued animals
“I will never give up on my pets. They are my own children,” an owner of two cats told Jusoor Post when asked about the probability of abandoning them amid the skyrocketing inflation crippling Egypt’s economy.As the economic crisis in Egypt continues...
By AFPNearly 150 cats bound for slaughterhouses have been rescued by police in eastern China, an international animal welfare organisation said.The animals were crammed into rusty cages when they were found by police in the eastern city of Jinan in S...
A total of 19 white rhinos were translocated from South Africa to Mozambique’s Zinave National Park, becoming the first batch of these endangered animals to find a natural habitat in the 408,000-hectare park in 40 years, said the Peace Parks Foundati...
As a tiny cub four years ago, Frida the Bengal tiger was found chained up in a restaurant parking lot in Mexico City, dirty, emaciated andunable to walk.Rescued and rehabilitated, she is now a popular attractionat the Reino Animal (Animal Kingdom) pa...
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