Northeast Nigeria suicide attacks plunge residents back into past violence

Northeast Nigeria suicide attacks plunge residents back into past violence
Injured men lay in a van as they arrive for treatment after a wave of suicide attacks in the North East of Nigeria, in Maiduguri on June 29, 2024. At least 18 people were killed and 19 seriously wounded in suicide attacks targeting a wedding, a hospital and a funeral in northeastern Nigeria on June 29, authorities said. The region has been scarred by more than a decade of violence by jihadist group Boko Haram, which did not immediately claim responsibility for the string of attacks. (Photo by Audu MARTE / AFP)


Nigerian farmer Mohammed Amadu was enjoying a wedding party in the northeastern town of Gwoza when a suicide bomber suddenly detonated her explosives, ripping through the weekend ceremony in a rare bomb attack in the country's northeast.


At least 18 people were killed in Saturday's attack by three female suicide bombers on a wedding and a funeral for the victims in Gwoza in Borno State, the heart of a conflict in Nigeria's northeast that has killed 40,000 people and displaced 2 million since 2009.


"I heard a loud explosion. It was chaos all around with dead and wounded littering the area. It was a gory sight," Amadu told AFP. "I could not move and realised my left leg was broken."


Several witnesses said the female bomber came to the party with two children before she detonated her explosive. Officials have not confirmed that.


"I did not see the bomber, but people around said she came holding two children by their hands and detonated the explosives," Amadu said.


Nigeria's jihadist conflict has ebbed since armed forces pushed militants back from territory they once held at the height of the war. But militants still carry out sporadic attacks and ambushes in remote areas. Saturday was a rare urban assault.


Sitting at a hospital bedside in Borno's capital Maiduguri, Aishatu Usman watched over her son, who was still unconscious after her family were caught in the attack.


"What can I say? My son is unconscious," she said, talking of the victims. "I pray that God grant them speedy recovery and to the perpetrators of this heinous act, may God guide them to the right path."


Gwoza was the target of four almost simultaneous suicide attacks on Saturday, including at least three perpetrated by female bombers, leaving at least 18 dead, according to local emergency services. Dozens more were injured.


No group has claimed the attacks, but they were a painful reminder of the threat posed by the Boko Haram jihadist group and its rival Islamic State West Africa Province in the region.


Suicide attacks have always been part of their armed struggle to establish a caliphate in the northeast of Africa’s most populous country.


Militants still carry out ambushes, roadside bombings and kidnappings from their rural hideouts, but suicide bombings, especially with multiple attackers, have become rarer.


Boko Haram jihadists seized Gwoza in 2014 after taking over parts of Borno State. The town was retaken by the Nigerian army with the help of Chadian forces in 2015, but jihadists still launch attacks from the mountains overlooking the town on the border with Cameroon.


Nigerian President Bola Ahmed Tinubu "strongly condemned the bomb attacks" in a statement on Sunday, saying the assault was "a clear manifestation of pressure mounted against terrorists and the success in degrading their capacity."


"These cowardly attacks are only but an isolated episode," Tinubu said.


Jihadists in the northeast are one of several security threats facing Nigeria’s armed forces, including heavily armed criminal gangs who carry out mass kidnappings for ransom in the northwest and separatist movements in the southeast.


When he came to power a year ago, Tinubu made the fight against insecurity a priority of his mandate.


Back to 2014

Saturday's first attack took place during a wedding ceremony, around 3 pm, when a suicide bomber set off explosives among the guests, officials said.


As funeral prayers for the victims of the wedding attack were ongoing, another female suicide bomber detonated her device, according to Barkindo Saidu, head of the local emergency services (SEMA), in a report seen by AFP.


A few minutes later, an explosion of another device by a teenage girl detonated around the city's general hospital, the report said.


A member of the anti-jihadist militia who work with the army in the city, told AFP that a fourth suicide attack had targeted a security post, killing three people including a soldier.


That has not yet been confirmed by officials.


"This has taken me back to memory lane of 2014 when Gwoza was raided by these terrorists group," Baba Shehu Saidu, a relative of some of the victims said.


SEMA's Saidu gave a provisional toll of 18 dead and around forty injured to AFP on Saturday evening.


Fatima Musa, secretary of the Gwoza local government, said she could not quantify the number of victims because "a bomb blast is something that spreads dead bodies." Bodies were still being found, she said.


Officials in Borno State, the epicenter of the conflict, have said they will close all camps for displaced people by 2026, to encourage people to return to work in the fields to help end chronic food insecurity. But many rural areas in Borno are still insecure with armed groups active.