Betting on Sudan’s Burhan

Betting on Sudan’s Burhan
Columnist Mohamed al Hammadi - Jusoor Post

After more than a year since the outbreak of war in Sudan (on April 15, 2023), the number of people in need of assistance has reached 25 million people, which is equivalent to half the population, according to the United Nations. This is in addition to hundreds of thousands of refugees inside and outside Sudan, as well as economic losses, the impact on state institutions, the decline and lack of services in some areas, and the cessation of life in general.


International and regional efforts to contain the war and put an end to it have not stopped. The latest was last week on July 19 through a call by the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council and Commander of the Sudanese Army, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, President of the United Arab Emirates, which gave hope that the war file would move towards a solution that would stop the bloodshed of the brotherly Sudanese people.


The importance of this call lies in the fact that it comes after months of Sudanese political and diplomatic escalation against the UAE, an attempt to drag it into the internal conflict in Sudan, and the accompanying broad media campaign aimed at accusing the UAE of causing this war to flare up!


Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed's response to this call in these circumstances undoubtedly confirms that he is a leader of high caliber who rises above pettiness, that he has a clear understanding of the scene in Sudan, and that he is aware of who is behind this campaign and who is working to suggest that the UAE is a party to this war and thus distancing it in any way from any possible positive role.


Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, once again, has disappointed the "angry" and others and opened the door to dialogue with Burhan, as if to say to the latter "We are with you in any initiative that ends the war," as His Highness Sheikh Mohammed confirmed the UAE's support for all initiatives aimed at ending the crisis in Sudan in a way that meets the aspirations of the Sudanese people.


The UAE has always stressed and continues to stress that there is no military solution to this conflict, renewing its call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire, the safe and unhindered delivery of humanitarian aid, and a return to dialogue towards forming a civilian-led government.


When Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed responded to Burhan's call, it confirmed that His Highness has a vision to resolve this war and that he is able to find solutions for it, especially since the UAE played a positive role in the success of the transitional period and the Juba Peace Agreement, in addition to agreeing with the international consensus issued by the United Nations to stop the war.


The UAE, under the leadership of Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, is moving forward and not looking back, so all these accusations and insults have not been paid attention to, because their source is clear and known. The battle of the "angry" and the instigators was and will remain lost.


Whoever examines the Sudanese situation will find that the anger of the "angry" is not because of the UAE's position on the war, but rather they are angry with the UAE's support for the will of the Sudanese people through its support for the revolution of the Sudanese people who dreamed of a better future. When the people wanted to get rid of the previous regime, it was not only the UAE that stood with them, but the entire world supported the people as they sought to draw the future for a new Sudan worthy of this ancient people.


Their anger was also due to the UAE's support for the transitional period following the revolution, and its efforts to stabilize Sudan and succeed in attaining safety. Every honest Sudanese person knows that the UAE's interest is in Sudan's stability and the end of the war. However, on the opposite side, is not in the interest of the “angry” to end this war, but rather to continue it for as long as possible, which is what they seek.


It seems that after all this time and in the midst of this noise, it is assumed that things are clearer for Burhan, and he has become more capable of seeing the scene completely and thus making the right decisions. There is no doubt that he also knows the "angry" well, but he needs to determine his options and make his decision, as they are the ones who drowned those who came before him and will drown everyone who comes after him. The wise person is the one who makes the right decision at the right time.


Therefore, the bet today is on Burhan, who undoubtedly needs to feel safe and to trust that he will find support and protection and will find someone to stand with him if he ends this war.