Handicrafts empower people with disabilities

Handicrafts empower people with disabilities
NCPD booth at Turathna Exhibition - CC via Nehal Amer

Art is an unrestricted horizon to reflect one’s emotions and visions about this world. Handmade craft is an artistic way of expression without articulating actual words. A number of people with disabilities use their artistic handicraft skills to express themselves confidently and show the world how powerful they are.


The ability to be creative is one of the key advantages of handicrafts for people with disabilities. Knitting, crocheting, and painting are just a few of the hobbies that demand deft hand motions and close attention to detail. For persons who have physical limitations, these activities may be extremely helpful in enhancing coordination. Handicrafts can improve one's mental health in addition to their physical benefits. Taking part in creative activities can increase self-esteem and give one a sense of accomplishment. Additionally, it can induce relaxation and act as a means of stress alleviation, according to ApuSylvi.


It's also crucial to take into account the unique skills and limits of the disabled person while selecting a craft for them. Crafts can be made more accessible with the use of a variety of adaptations and assistive technologies, including large-handled scissors, adaptable needles, and writing assistance.


In a step to encourage the engagement of people with disabilities in Egypt’s handicraft, the fifth edition of Turathna (Our Heritage) Exhibition for handicrafts and heritage, which was held from October 9 to 15, hosted a number of organizations that support people with disabilities to showcase their handmade products.


Jusoor Post visited the exhibition where the National Council for Persons with Disabilities (NCPD) and Montasereen Association for People with Disabilitieshad their booths. We had the chance to speak with some participants with disabilities.


Mahmoud Sami, an owner of a perfume brand, said that he always participates in exhibitions to show his products, and he also sells them online.


“I use the best quality to formulate fragrances and I am very passionate about it,” Sami said.


He told us that he used to participate in exhibitions individually then he started to join NCPD.


Inas Fouda is a skilled crafter who print on fabrics. She told us about how she starts the process from the beginning until she gets the final product.


“I do everything with my hands starting from tailoring the fabrics to designing and dying the print,” said Fouda.


Regarding her participation in the exhibition, she told us that she applied and showed the council a sample of her work and she got accepted.


Montasereen Association for People with Disabilities is based in Beni Suef governorate in Egypt. It is a school that qualifies people with disabilities at academic and vocational levels. The association has manydepartments: woodwork, crochet and knitting, copper accessories, decoupage, recycling, and resin.


Reham Attiya, responsible for crochet and knitting at the association, told Jusoor Post that there is high demand for this type of handmade art.


“We receive many orders with large quantities,” Attiya said, adding, “We make a variety of pieces like shawls, chapeaus, and scarves.”


Attiya told us that she also trains other people with disabilities to acquire the skill and empower themselves.