Hopes for a peaceful world: Disarmament is the answer

Hopes for a peaceful world: Disarmament is the answer
Symbol of disarmament

Countries have sought disarmament throughout history in an effort to safeguard citizens and create a more secure global environment. Disarmament and armaments control have been essential in terminating crises. Increased use of force is not the best way to reduce risks and tensions; rather, significant political discussion and negotiation are needed. World peace will not be achieved without the total elimination of weapons that are used to kill thousands of innocents. 


Starting on October 24, the UN General Assembly first called for the observance of a Disarmament Week in order to foster greater public awareness of disarmament issues. Because of their destructive potential and the threat they pose to humanity, weapons of mass destruction—especially nuclear weapons—remain a major source of concern.


According to the United Nations, the international community has focused more emphasis on new and developing weapon technologies in recent years, such as autonomous weapons, which pose a threat to international security.


In conjunction with disarmament week, the brutal attacks on Gaza by the Israeli occupation continue. The occupation is not a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Moreover, it stated that talks on a Middle East nuclear weapons free zone cannot start until peace between the region's states has been established, the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI) reported. 


Furthermore, the Israeli occupation has rejected numerous international proposals, including those arising from the NPT Review Conferences in 1995, 2005, and 2010, for the creation of a Middle East WMD Free Zone. 


After the start of the latest ongoing events, the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, which oversees disarmament and international security, held a meeting. There were demands for creating a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the Middle East. Palestine's observer concurred that areas devoid of nuclear and other WMDs should be established, particularly in the Middle East. However, the Israeli occupation has continued to routinely violate international resolutions and conventions and has insisted on not attending the conference to establish this zone. Additionally, he stated that the Israeli entity has refused to submit its nuclear installations to IAEA safeguards, according to the United Nations.