UN Security Council calls for 'humanitarian pauses' in Gaza

UN Security Council calls for 'humanitarian pauses' in Gaza
An activist wipes her eye while placing flowers on white-shrouded body bags representing victims in the Israel-Hamas conflict, in front of the White House in Washington, DC/ AFP


The UN Security Council on Wednesday called for "extended humanitarian pauses" in the Gaza Strip, the first time it has broken its silence since the start of the bloody conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The resolution, prepared by Malta and adopted with 12 votes in favor, "calls for urgent and extended humanitarian pauses and corridors throughout the Gaza Strip for a sufficient number of days" to allow aid to reach civilians in the besieged territory.

The text raises the question of how many days would be considered sufficient. A previous version of the draft seen by AFP called for an initial pause of five consecutive days within 24 hours of the adoption of the resolution.

"It needs to be long enough for us to be able to mobilize the resources, once we have enough fuel, for people to get what they need," said Stephane Dujarric, spokesman for the UN secretary-general.

Security Council resolutions are meant to be legally binding, but in practice some members have ignored them.

The resolution called on all parties to comply with international humanitarian obligations "notably with regard to the protection of civilians, especially children."

It also called for the "immediate and unconditional release of all hostages held by Hamas and other groups, especially children." Over 230 hostages are believed to be held by Hamas.

But the resolution stopped short of condemning the brutal cross-border attack by Hamas militants on October 7, which left around 1,200 dead, according to Israeli authorities.

Three states abstained -- the United States, Britain and Russia.

"I am horrified by the fact that some members of this Council do not want to resolve to condemn these barbaric attacks," said US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield. "What is stopping them from unequivocally condemning the actions of a terrorist organization that is determined to kill Jews?"

Israel's foreign ministry spokesman also called for an "unequivocal" condemnation of Hamas, but signaled there was no room "for prolonged humanitarian pauses" as long as the hostages were not released.

Diplomats say members waited to schedule a vote until they were relatively sure of success.

After the October 7 attack and Israel's reprisal bombardment of the Gaza Strip, the council tried multiple times -- in vain -- to adopt a resolution of some kind.

With its 10 nonpermanent members taking the lead, the Security Council launched new talks on a resolution, but those negotiations got bogged down on the wording to be used to call for a stop, however brief, to the fighting.

The United States opposed any use of the term "ceasefire," diplomats said. Other terms floated were "truce" and "pause."

"I know we are all disappointed about the inaction of the Council in the past 40 days," China's UN ambassador Jun Zhang said Wednesday.

Malta's UN envoy Vanessa Frazier said "the Security Council members are united in wanting a voice."

While recognizing the "nuances" between their positions, she said all 15 members have "the desire to save life and provide respite" to civilians.